Mittwoch, August 02, 2006

Lost - the beginning

This morning Koenigskind woke up and found herself in an unfriendly grey and foggy place. All colours have gone and the world seems unfamiliar to her. Is it still her place or was the whole world transformed into an colourless parallel universe? What was happened during the night? Who has stolen the light and the colours? And what is this fluid extract hanging dark looking from all the trees and flowers? Is it hazardous for human beings? Soon she tries to find her way out of the gloomy air which is surrounding her, figuring out a city on the glittering horizon. Is this the place where she will find allies, like minded people who fight for their dreams and goal and are willing to search united for the lost colours?

To be continued

1 Kommentar:

Kosmonaut hat gesagt…

Great posting!
There ARE allies out there.
Let's fight the greyness in our minds.

"...Grau ist die Farbe, die Dein Anzug hat - Grau ist die Farbe deiner Zellenwand - Grau ist die Farbe der ganzen Strafanstalt - Grau ist die Farbe von jedem neuen Tag..." Die Farbe Grau - Die Toten Hosen (Listening: